Ca Na beach is about 32km away from Phan Rang city. Visiting Ca Na beach, travelers will not only have chance to enjoy the fascinating beach with, but also there are other types of tourism such as ecotourism, cultural and cuisine tourism.
Ca Na attracts visitors for its magnificent scenery with clear blue sea covered by white sandy beach and mountain on its back. The clean and cool atmosphere at Ca Na, plus the stunning beach will satisfy even the most demanding tourists.

Ca Na is also well-known for many cultural attractions. With the cultural features of many Cham people, who still make their home here, and still preserve many traditional elements of their culture. Hence, visitors can learn more about the history of Champa Kingdom and understand more about the culture of Cham people in Vietnam.
Moreover,the beach is also a great choice for cuisine tours because there are diverse kinds of fresh and delicious dishes. Staying there, you will have chance to enjoy the tastiest and freshest specialties.
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